General Rules

Range Hours:  10 am - DUSK






Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages are allowed on this range at any time.


Sound the warning buzzer at least 15 minutes before live fire is to commence.


1.  All firearms should remain in the case or on the storage bench until going to the firing line.


2.  Muzzles must always be pointed in a safe direction.  This means in the muzzle up position or pointed down range.


3.  Keep all firearms and ammunition out of the reach of children.


4.  All guns must remain unloaded with chamber flags in place and the action open or the bolt removed and remain untouched when someone

     is down range.


5.  You may load your firearm only when the range is clear.


6.  Approved ear and eye protection must be worn at all times on or near the firing line.


7.  Firing may commence only after the "commence fire" command is given.


8.  Anyone observing an unsafe condition must give the "cease fire" command.


9.  When the "cease fire" command is given, unload your weapon and leave on the bench with the action open or remove the bolt with a

     chamber flag in place.


10.  Do Not Go down range while the firing line is hot!!  No one is allowed down range until the firing line is called "cold".


11.  Fire only at approved targets.  Targets should be placed in the center of target frames in order to minimize target frame damage.


12.  Match Director has control of range 45 minutes before match.